This article discusses the error of  Arabic name saving as ???? in Card Exchange Producer when you are connected with SQL Database.

When you add or edit the Arabic records in the software it gets saved as "????". This is caused due to mismatch datatype used for storing in SQL.


In order for Arabic values to be saved in the SQL database, the column should be defined as below.

The Column DataType should be to NVARCHAR(x), x can be 10, 50, MAX depending on the need.

 and the collation to be set to  "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS".

this will help you to save the Arabic names properly into the SQL database.

Below is the code snippet to help you achieve the same on SQL.

ALTER TABLE dbo.<tablename> 

ALTER COLUMN <columnname> NVARCHAR(50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS


Naveen Kumar